Elia Orselli
Laurea magistrale in Scienze storiche e orientalistiche. Curriculum Scienze storiche
Master Degree obtained at Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna on 11/07/2018
mark: 110/110 e lode
Dissertation in Church History Hébert Roux «interlocuteur valable avec le catholicisme romain». 1962-1965: Vaticano II e dialogo ecumenico in Francia.
Director: prof. Umberto Mazzone (unibo), co-directors: prof.ssa Charlotte De Castelnau-L’Estoile (Paris 7 – Diderot) and prof.ssa Silvia Scatena (uniMoRe – fscire).
Master Sciences Humaines et Sociales. Mention Histoire et civilisations comparées. Spécialité Identités, altérités, histoire comparée de l’Europe
French Master Degree obtained as student of the joint degree programme in History and Compared Civilizations of the universities of Bologna and Paris 7 Diderot.
mark: Très Bien
Laurea in Storia
Degree obtained at Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna on 27/03/2015
Dissertation on La Chiesa dei poveri nel concilio Vaticano II
Director: prof. Umberto Mazzone with the support of prof. Alberto Melloni and searchers from Fondazione per le scienze religiose Giovanni XXIII di Bologna
Fulltext: SocArXiv DOI
International Experience
Erasmus+ UFI-UIF
September 2016 – June 2017
10 months period as Joint Degree student with Erasmus+, at Université Paris 7 – Diderot.
LLP Erasmus
September 2009 – February 2010
6 months exchange at Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB).
Study Subjects
Contemporary History
Christian History
Ecumenical Movement History, with special attention to catholic and protestant relationships in France during XX century.
Independent Cinema Integrator
Dolby Digital Cinema
Training about IMS3000, CP950 and DMA at Valbonne (France) from December 2019, 3rd to 4th.
Training from September 2018 24th to 26th at Valbonne (France) about Dolby Cinema Products (IMS2000).
Trainingabout Dolby Atmos setup at Dolby London, September 2022.
Barco Cinionic
Training Cinema – Barco Level 1 Certified – Installation, maintenance and sevice Series 4 laser projectors.
TrainingCinema – Barco Level 2 Certified Expert – Advanced diagnostics and service for Barco Series 4 projectors.
Christie Digital
Training about Digital Cinema Projectors and Christie IMB S2. Wokingham (UK), January 2018.
Second level QSC Q-SYS Cinema system project developpment. Obtained on August 10th, 2022;
Second level QSC Q-SYS systems project developpement. Obtained on march 2th, 2021;
First level CINEMA training QSC Q-SYS systems;
Second level Control 201 about block coding and LUA scripting for Q-SYS ecosystem;
Training Enterprise Manager;
Training Video 101 about the new HDMI devices for Q-SYS ecosystem.
Level 3 Dante Certification;
Dante Domain Manager Certification.
Rational Acoustics
SMAART Operator Certification Level 1 obtained on May 26th, 2020.
35 mm
Projectionist italian diplome
Obtained in Bologna, november 29th, 2007
Technical Skills
Long term collaboration with Microcine, society based in Bologna specialized in portable projectors build, venues setups and maintaing.
Setup of Christie Digital, Barco and Sony projectors.
Setup of sound systems with Dolby, UltraStereo and QSC audio processors.
Sound systems alignment with 5 Beyerdynamic MM1 microphones, using Smaart v.8, AcoustX winRTA Studio and Roland OctaCapture soundcard.
Setup of automation systems using Jnior or ethernet control boards.
More than 15 years experience in film and digital cinema projections, both on classical venues and open air temporary setups.
35mm Film Tests
Film tests printed on colour stock made for alignment of image and sound of 35mm film projectors. These test allow to keep properly working every system checking image quality according to SMPTE RP40-2003, sound level (like Dolby cat. 69T) and equalization (like Dolby cat. 69P).
Sony 510-515 Filters
Compatible filters sets for Sony Digital Projectors SRX-R510 and SRX-R515. 3 filters available: “P” filter(T-Core); Server front filter and Lamphouse filter. Sold separately or in 5 elements kits.
DCPs Creation
DCPs creation service for independent productions and festivals, following DCI specs. The DCP can be received via FTP or on HDD with CRU DX115DC metal carrier and pelicase for shipping.

Membre actif
Département Diffusion-Distribution-Exploitation